17099 Walden Rd. #290
Montgomery, TX 77356
Infants are so fascinated by the environment around them which makes every moment in the classroom a learning experience. Our teachers strive daily to give them a safe and fun environment where they can play and learn as the grow. Our infant curriculum is more than "activities" - we incorporate interactions, relationships, care giving, routines, transitions, and much more
Inside Your Baby's Day
Your baby’s teacher holds, rocks, sings to, smiles at, and explores the world with your infant
Tummy time for muscle development
Individual and small group experiences, so your baby can explore and learn from others
Time outside to connect with nature
Infant Goals
1. Social-Emotional Development
- Develops awareness of self as separate from others
Responds differently to familiar/unfamiliar adults
Expresses emotions related to basic needs
2. Physical Development
Uses hands/feet to make contact with mouth, etc.
Begins to coordinate body movements (reaches, rolls, etc.)
Begins to gain mobility, balance, control of body
3. Cognitive Development
Watches objects, looks for ways to interact with them
Uses senses to explore environment
Pays attention to people/objects/sounds
4. Language Development
Listens, watches, and responds to language
Uses sounds, gestures, signs to express needs and wants
Shows interest in songs, rhymes, stories.